Panther Island Adventures!

Panther Island is 2,800 acres of restored wetland and upland habitats situated in the northwest corner of Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary's 13,000 acres. It is home to numerous plants and animals including the Florida panther and the iconic wood stork.
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Monday, November 30, 2009

Bird of the Week November 30: Black Vulture

People often do not like vultures, but I happen to think they are great! They are nature's garbage disposals. Black vultures (seen in the photo) feed solely on carrion. Every morning I am greeted by a large group of black vultures that roost in trees at Panther Island. Often they are on the ground hanging out. They use thermals to soar high overhead and can be distinguished in flight from turkey vultures by the way they hold their wings. Black vultures hold their wings flatter than the "v" shape that turkey vultures make, and their tails are shorter and flatter plus more fanned out in flight. They have white patches at their wing tips but turkey vultures do not. Black vultures also flap their wings more frequently. These guys deposit eggs (usually 2) on the ground. Instead of building nests, they use existing vegetation as cover. They will also lay eggs in hollow tree trunks or caves. Both parents work to incubate the eggs for around 40 days, and the hatchlings are fed regurgitated food from both parents. Their young fledge at about 8-10 weeks. Vultures are under state protection and it is illegal to harass them or shoot them without a permit.

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